Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hilarious Comic Takes Down AA Cult!


This is one of the best take-downs I have ever heard about AA.

His story sounds a lot like mine. My mother went to AA meetings, and she would tell us about all that nonsense, and once I remember sitting in the back with a coloring book, while the rest of the room was lit up with people sharing their stories.


The best line coming out of the whole bit:

If people go to AA and have to declare that they are powerless over alcohol, then that would make alcohol a higher power, would it not?

So, when a member is then supposed to turn his will and his life over to a power greater than himself, why not turn it over to Vodka!


The circular arguments of AA should leave us rolling in the aisles.

Except that when a person is trying to break free of alcohol, and nothing else seems to be working, people will resort to just about anything, even a cult-religion which claims to have the answers, but which instead lies and distorts the truth, leaving nothing but broken people who "Don't Drink!" yet who can barely function in any other area of their lives.

The book claims to sell AA as a set of suggestions, then pulls the plug on you about four steps in, telling you that if you do not work this program, you will drink again, and to drink is to die!


Thanks for the laughs, everyone!

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