Saturday, March 15, 2014

12 Things AA Hides About 12 Steps/AA

I wish that I had found this website sooner.

I never realized how AA made lots of people crazy, not just myself.

Here are the Twelve things that AA does not want you to know.

1. People are just as likely to quit drinking on their own as with a 12 step program like AA: 
Numerous studies have confirmed that AA is not necessary in order to get sober. The link pasted above mentions at least five.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is about twice as successful as 12 step programs at helping people to quit drinking:

Cognitive therapy which deals with the emptiness, fear, and loathing in life will better treat people than calling them "alcoholics" and then expecting them to turn their will and lives over to some hollow program.

3. Calling yourself an "alcoholic" is harmful to your mental health:

Thank you!

4. AA is a religion by definition:

Yes, and therefore, the state cannot force people to go to AA as part of a court-mandated program. It is against a person's First Amendment rights to force a person to go to AA as a part of their sentence.

5. Over ten billion dollars per year is spent promoting AA:

False promotion, since telling people that they are alcoholics is not going to go well unless there is just enough force and restraint to make people fall for the garbage.

6. Project MATCH did not study AA:

One more confirmation that this cult has no substantial, scientific support to back up its wickedly deceitful claims.

7. Many "alcoholics" eventually become moderate drinkers:

This I never knew, since I never drank in the first place!

8. There is no meaningful definition of the word "alcoholic":

Give people a false identity, and at the same time this identity has no substance to it, so that who you re depends on what a bunch of people in a room, who refuse to share their full names, tell you you are!

9. AA has not been updated since its inception in 1935:

The triumph of tradition over truth -- the hallmark of every religion, and cult.

10. AA founder Bill W demanded whiskey on his deathbed:

So much for "We are not a glum lot." Ha!
11. AA claims that it is God:

Yes, I recall many times where members were taught to treat the meetings as their higher power, until they could figure out their own conception of God. Really bad stuff, people!

12. You can't "take what you like and leave the rest" in AA:

This part I choose to post in its entirety:

When you go to your first meeting you will hear that the steps are "merely suggestions" and that you can "take what you like and leave the rest". But once you have been sucked in by declaring that you are powerless and decided to rely on AA as your higher power and the rest--you will soon hear that "This is like suggesting that you put on a parachute before you jump out of a plane". You will also hear what Bill W wrote in the 12 by 12, "Unless each A.A. member follows to the best of his ability our suggested Twelve Steps to recovery, he almost certainly signs his own death warrant." Nothing in AA is optional.

AA is an evil cult. Must be stopped. Nuff said.


  1. Like your writing! Nothing about AA is "suggested"'s delivered as an ultimatum, and the hardcore sponsors and all of the slander and gossip backs that reality! Keep writing!

  2. Jason: Thanks for your comment. I am tired of this awful cult, and I am getting the word out. Please follow on Twitter at @ErrorAA when you have a chance!
