Thursday, January 17, 2013

AA and the Welfare State

If there is one prevalent common denominator in AA meetings, it would be the number of people who become shiftless and unemployed who frequent the meetings, who never get a job, who then live off the government.

I remember meeting a number of people who were able-bodied enough, yet they were receiving disability from the government. Another lady was getting disability because she was "depressed".

The federal government often sends people to AA who have been arrested for DUI or other crimes, and so they enter into the system, but never get out.

Of course, there is also the growing number of people in AA who take medication and visit psychiatrists, which in more ways than one turns into a racket. Therapists make no money if people get better. Psychiatrists make not money if they have no patients. Pharmacists will sell no products if men and women receive the knowledge of the truth and learn that the world does not revolve around them, but around a great big God who made the Universe, who sent His Son, and who offers eternal life and all good things with Him.

The real crisis of modern man, and the source of all of this "therapy", is that men have told themselves that the world revolves around them, and if they cannot sense something, then it is either not true or not relevant. The biggest problem with this assessment lies in that the world simply does not resolve around us, and that our expectations of how the world works does not correspond with the reality of how indeed the world works.

I speak a language that I did not invite. I live in a home which I did not build. I wear clothes that I did not make. I drive on a road which I did not pave. I have a body which I did not form through my own efforts. There is too much about us which declares that everything is not about us. Not at all.

Yet if men presume to be consumed with themselves, they will do nothing but consume, since in man is nothing but lack if he is left to himself. With God as revealed in His Word,men will inevitably identify with whatever they can find. Often, they end up dependent on the Government.

And AA enables this dependence. One has to wonder if Bill W. colludes with state officials in order to bring people to his meetings, and thus keep the organization flowing as he did. AA is part and parcel of the growing welfare state, which tells people that they have to look to the government or to an assembly of people in order to "get by", along with the check from the government, of course!

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