Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Turn Your Will and Life Over to Whom?

I never liked the exhortation of the Third Step:

"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him. "

"Turn our will" -- only one will? Yet there are many lives. . .

What's going on here?

The notion that one will animates every member of the program leaks through in this step, and this idea is a false one worth no honor or respect.

How can I "turn my will and life" over to someone?

And who is this "God" that I am trusting?

This thinking kept me locked in such heavy bondage year after year. Often, I would wait for a "voice" or some impression to work its way through in my life, which never happened.

The religious fanaticism that this step, when applied in its full, unadulterated entirety, creates more problems than solutions, further pushing individuals to run their lives by someone else rather than trusting God to lead them through the promptings of the Spirit.

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