Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Another Pharisee -- Mario: Part IV

Mario never connected the dots about another strange trend in his life.

Every Celebrate Recovery meeting that he went to, the meeting got small then died out. He was often the only member left.

It never occurred to the man that the meetings were just not working, and that they were just not worth it. The whole program is a shameful shambles of a scam, one which distracts believers from the power and position that they have in Christ by forcing them to focus on themselves and their own efforts instead of trusting in all that God has done for them through His Son.

I often wonder how many meetings have gone belly-up in the last year alone.

I have seen so many signs of "Celebrate Recovery" taken down all over the South Bay. This program does not work, precisely because we are the ones working it in our own effort instead of trusting and resting in God's grace to see us through it all.

The obliviousness of men and women in the Twelve Step Programs is just appalling, yet understandable, as most people have no other idea what they are supposed to do with themselves when they have heard only part of the Gospel, and not the whole Blessing.

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