Thursday, January 9, 2014

Not "Work a Program", but "Rest in His Perfect Work"

This revelation is too much for me not to write about.

With all the trauma and frustration which I had dealt with in my life, I would have never realized rhat the AA cult was the precise cause for much of the consternation.

"Working a program" will work you down to nothing. How can  you work a program when Christ completed the perfect work at the Cross:

"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." (John 19: 30)

Jesus declared to the entire universe for all time, that the work is done.

Either we believe that truth or we do not.

There is no mixing this up. There is no ignoring this powerful truth.

The life which I had lived up to now, was not life at all.

I spent more time trying to make myself OK in my thoughts, words, deeds. I was so obsessed with my sins, my failures, and I would pat myself on the back as long as I had a pretty good day.

Yet we need more than rule-keeping, or even rule-breaking, but Ruler-Living, as in Christ our King living in us and serving us.

We do not need to work a program, but rather we are invited to rest, to labor to enter this rest of all that Christ Jesus has done for us at the Cross!

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