Saturday, September 27, 2014

One Way, One Savior (Not Twelve Steps)

There is one God.

He has revealed Himself through His Son, Jesus.

This is not a God of our understanding.

It cannot be.

Programs of human effort, like Alcoholics Anonymous, teach people to rely on their conception of God, which will inevitably become a projection.

That is exactly where I was struggling.

God was based on what I was thinking or feeling.

That is the worst bondage out there.

How can I understand that He is before all things?

That is the truth which I must accept based on His Word.

I may not understand it, but that does not mean it is not true.

Another thing that I have been recognizing.

I had lived for years abiding by these stupid rules.

These Twelve Steps.

They had been holding me back all these years.

Then when life was getting tough, it only got tougher, since I had the Bible in my hands all the time.

Yet we shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free.

Alcoholics Anonymous is not the truth, and thus the program does not make people free.

I was so busy looking at my thoughts and feelings, holding myself accountable to standards which no one else in my life was paying attention to.

I was working too hard, because someone else had told me that I had to.

Jesus was willing to do the work the whole time, yet I was convinced that I had to do "my part".

Lo and behold, my part is to realize that I have no part, and that is the best part that anyone of us can play.

He came that we might have life, not to give us principles to make our lives better.

Jesus is God-Help. We do not need self-help. Not at all.

There is one way, one Savior, not Twelve Steps.

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