Friday, February 7, 2014

There's No One Else to (Have to) Run to

I cannot write about this enough.

The rest that I have in Christ, that I do not have to run to someone else to feel good or bad.

I do not have to resolve my feelings in any way, shape, or form so that God my Daddy is with me and works in my life.

I really lost my temper today.

I snapped at a courtesy clerk at a local supermarket.

I work as a courtesy clerk at another local supermarket, too!

Can you believe it?

Yet even after I lost my temper, I did not feel bad. I remembered that I am righteousness because of all that Jesus has done, and what he continues to do for me at the right hand of God the Father.

It was strange, but so true, nonetheless. Even when I fail, I know that my Father loves me, and He loves everyone of us who believe on His Son!

We are not saved by right feeling, but by right believing, that we believe the truth of the Gospel.

Now, there have been times when I would feel fearful or on edge.

I was consumed with guilt and shame at one time, so afraid that people would find out the things which I have said or done. I was so consumed with the lie that I had to feel forgiven in order to be forgiven.

Not true at all. Who are we to put our feelings above all that Christ has done for us at the Cross?

When I read Psalm 4: 8, then I saw the importance that there can be no peace apart from Himself, that it simply cannot be any other way:

"I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety." (Psalm 4: 8)

God has also revealed to me that there are many people who have done terrible things, yet they do not fall into the false bondage that some day, someone is going to get them.

Yet for so long, when I felt afraid, I was convinced that I had to do something about that fear, that I had to psych myself out of the fear.

Perfect love casts out fear, and this perfect love is found in God, who is love (1 John 4: 16-19)

Besides, the blood speaks better things than the blood of Abel, everyone, and it keeps speaking on our behalf!

But why did I have a hard time accepting this wonderful truth?

One person had thrust the AA cult onto me for so long, that I was convinced that I had to keep working steps to be A-OK with God.

The other person had a perception of God which was too small. Too small, as though God the Father has indeed died for our sins, but that we are on our own for everything else.

That is just not true. Both ideas about God are not true.

We do not need to do more, but rather we need to see more of Him, and how great He is!

And there is no one else to run to, because we cannot run from Him (Psalm 139) and He lives in us (Colossians 1: 27; Galatians 2: 20-12)

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