Thursday, December 5, 2013

Brainwashed in a Cult

I was raised in AA.

I was a stepper kid who had a stepper Mom.

I was brainwashed to believe that this life was all about passing a test.

I never understood why I was so frustrated and depressed in my life.

A constant sense of frustration and reproach kept me in bondage for a long time.

I was never good enough, I had to face the next day in my own efforts.

I had no knowledge of Life and that more abundantly.

I was convinced that I was facing the world in my own efforts, through all that I was doing on my own.

Because it was my mother who had taught me AA, I was convinced that there was nothing wrong with the program.

Taking your inventory, working Twelve Steps -- there did not seem to be anything wrong with that kind of life.

All I knew was constant introspection.

Today I know that such self-reflection is a form of death.

The last thing that me and women need is to look at their faults and strive to make themselves better.

For years, I was so used to someone else making all the decisions in my life.

I remember watching Dr. Phil on TV once, and I could not understand why my life was not excelling, unlike the lives of other people of the same age.

The Twelve Steps was the answer to every problem, and every time I found myself unable to overcome difficulties in my life, I simply assumed that I had not worked the program well enough.

If you are defined by the Twelve Steps, then you will work the Twelve Steps.

Yet in my life, there was so much pain, frustration, hurt feelings.

People in my life still seemed to dominate me, even though the AA book claimed that men and women will no longer be able to dominate us.

I cannot believe how addicted my mother was to the AA cult. She was so convinced of the efficacy of this program, and she worked until the last time that I spoke with her.

This cult must be exposed. The terrible cult must be stopped as much as possible, so that individuals who struggle with addictions of any kind never again have to take a terrible detour in AA.

Don't be brainwashed in a cult, but be washed and cleansed forever in the blood of Jesus Christ.

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