Monday, October 7, 2013

Why I Was So Down - AA

There has been a lot of insanity in my life.

The amount of abuse, misunderstandings, and frustration could fill a book, one which I would write with alacrity, but not read if you paid me.

I never understood why I expected the worst in every situation.

The hardships which I faced every day. The sense of evil looking-after which lurked over every corner.

Then there was this unending sense that I had to hold the world together myself. How I felt, what I did, could make or break the day that I was stepping into.

I sensed as if everything had to be earned, as if something was still left undone.

Most importantly, I was often wondering if I was doing the right thing of the wrong thing.

I was abused as a kid, but no one can just say "so and so" was bad to me.

I needed to understand why, yet I could not figure it out.

Now it all makes sense.

Why I was so down -- AA!

Alcoholics Anonymous is a dangerous, brillant, yet subtle cult which has gotten props from the state for so long.

It's wrong to make people go to a religious program. It's immoral to force people to classify themselves with their bad habits.

It's abuse to send a young person to AA, too.

That happened to me -- but I survived, as did many others.

I am telling my story -- and I hope that my story, and the revelation of the Gospel of grace through Jesus Christ, will set you free, too!

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!" (John 8: 32)

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