Monday, October 7, 2013

Powerless? No Way!

One of the worst teachings to come out of AA implies that we are powerless over alcohol, and that our lives are unmanageable.

Then the sick people, since they have conceded to their innermost selves that they are alcohol, must turn their will and lives over to some Higher Power.

In reality, they give up their thinking and feeling to the AA group and the Twelve Steps, all of which embody the Higher Power of Bill Wilson, which was Bill W.!

No surprises there.

Yet every day, I would wake up convinced that how I felt, what I was thinking, and ultimately everything that happened to me was out of my control.

Members of AA are taught that not only are they powerless over alcohol, but they are also instructed that they are powerless over people, places, and things.

What kind of life is that?

I cannot tell you how much the world really dominated me, and this occured because I was taught from an early age that I had no control over anyone or anything.

At one throw, I was in bondage to the things that people could say or do. Then, I was stuck because there was nothing that I could do about the purported hurt which people could inflict on me.

Wow - talk about frustrating!

I was living in fear for so long, convinced that there was nothing I could do about rude, abusive, or difficult people in my lives.

I was convinced that how I felt would affect what I did, where I was, and all the rest.

Why did I believe this? Because the program teaches people that how you feel can block the sunlight of the Spirit from pouring into one's life.

Now I have learned that because I am in Christ, and as He is, so am I in this world, I do not have to fear the reproach of men.

No one can take anything from me, because God freely gives me all things in His Son!

I am not powerless as long as I remember where I am seated: in Christ, in heavenly places, at the right hand of the Father.

Today, I know who I am, and whose I am.

I understand that any sense of struggle or upset in my life is just a remnant of trying to earn or get through my own efforts.

In Christ, we are more than conquerors! So, reign in life, because He is our life!

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