Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Waves of Pain Have Gone Away

I was trying to protect myself for the longest time.

Whenever I felt afraid, whenever a sense of panic welled up in the back of my head, I was convinced that I had to do something about.

Who God was, all of that was tied up in how I felt.

Crazy, but true.

The sense of pain that welled up in my head made it almost impossible to function.

I was trying to quell the sense of fear and pain within me.

This inexpressible burden was so great.

I did not see God as a living Savior. I had a conception in my mind about who God was.

I did not realize that He is alive and well, living in and through me.

Like many Christians, I was stuck on this notion that I had to create this life myself.

This pressure was so grand, so overwhelming.

The emptiness in my life was total. I had everything on the outside, but I was empty on the inside.

Such was the result of trying to create this life on my own. Then came the frustrations.

The lies in my head chronically pressed me. Everything was up to, I had believed.

The issue was thinking that I had to get rid of feeling in order to walk in God's power and might.

The truth is that God's power and might are readily present and available, regardless of how I may feel.

How sweet it is -- to be free at last from putting out every fire in my brain.

Thank you, Jesus, for the truth that sets me free.

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