Sunday, November 2, 2014

Knowing His Love for Me

When my mother took my sister and me away from our father for a period of time, she attempted to reconcile us from time to time with  our father.

Yet she had been the very the person who had taken us away from him in the first place.

All of this behind-the-scenes micromanaging caused more problems than it ever solved.

Such are the consequences of trying to live the Christian life, or being in bondage to an adulterated cult, rather than taking God at His Word, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

I remember one afternoon, when we were seated in the back of the car, and she had arranged for us to meet with our dad.

She had spent the past few months demonizing and shamimg him to us, and now she wanted us to meet with him and reconcile ourselves to him?

We were not ready or willing to do that.

Then she started yelling at us, breaking into tears.

"You guys need to love! You need to love. I am tired of doing all the work!"

She had been putting us into this difficult place, forcing us to move out of one home to another, and now she was shaming us for not wanting to meet with the man whom she had been defaming for months.

My sister and I were so young. We had no idea what was going on. Much of the time, we found ourselves just going along with whatever someone else, in this case our mother, had been telling us.

She was in bondage to an evil cult, one which forced on people a dead-set training to try and stay one step ahead of one's sin.

All our sin has been taken care of once for all at the Cross. When Jesus comes again, it will be apart from sin, having nothing to do with sin.

Today, it's all about the Son.

I did not know that at the time, and neither did my mother or my sister.

Yet our mother was pushing on me, and everyone around her, the outrageous and evil demands of the AA cult, convinced as she was at the time that every one of us needs a program of living.

No -- we need life, and that more abundantly, and we receive this life in Christ Jesus!

"He who hath the Son hath life, and He who hath not the Son, hath not life." (1 John 5: 12)

Instead of my mother berating my sister and me about loving others, we needed to know about the ever-present love of Jesus Christ in our lives, and how much He loves us today!

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