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AA Cult leader Bill W. with his partner in crime, Lois |
In Alcoholics Anonymous, there are "Speaker Meetings", in which one featured "old-timer" shares his "drunk-a-logue": what it was like, what happened, and what it's like now.
More often than not, members show up for an hour and a half to "share" their own testimonies (in truth, divulge their self-aggrandized self-loathing). These "shares" often range from five minutes to twenty, depending on the undisciplined nature of the group or cowardice of the meeting's leader. When I sat in, or rather "endured" those terrible meetings of men and women whining about their lives instead of celebrating their sobriety, I often wondered: "Where's the recovery in all of this?"
Of course, I have learned from the Truth -- God's Word -- and much research and assistance from people out and about and here and there, that Alcoholics Anonymous is a C-U-L-T. The founder lived anything but an honorable life, and his co-conspirator con-men took advantage of frustrated men and women who do need help, and instead of relief they gave them more bondage.
I will never forget one lady whom I met in an AA meeting, Dorothy. She was a calm person, if ever there was one. A few months later, I met her out and about, and learned that she had stopped going to meetings. She go so fed up with the members there, who would admit to committing all kinds of crimes, but then they boast in the fact that they did not drink that day.
Give me a break!
The more I learn the truth, that I am a child of God first, unconditionally loved regardless of how I feel, the more that I see the "Lie and the lies" which define AA.
Just for fun, I began wondering what it would be like if Bill W., the "Floundering Founder", had given a true "drunk-a-logue"? What would it sound like?
If Bill W., the founder of AA, had been "rigorously honest" (please, try to stifle your laughter), I imagine that his drunk-a-logue would sound something like the following. This little parody is for all of you out there who ran from AA, and not only lived, but laughed to tell about it:
My name is Bill W. Actually, my name is Bill Wilson, and I want everyone to know who I am, as htis admission is the the first of many times when I never practiced what I preached, including anonymity. Anyway, my name is Bill Wilsonand I am a narcissistic, self-righteous puritanical busybody who wants to make himself the center of your life. And You - that's right, You! -- are all alcoholics.
Hi, Bill!
I have never really been a member, because I have never really been sober. I never had a desire to be sober. In fact, even after I started AA, I dabbled in LSD, and I never quit smoking, and I want whiskey, now! In fact, toward the end of my life, when I have to choose between my oxygen tank and another drag on a cigarette, I smoke.
What it was like?
I never really had a "religious" experience. I was merely battered into submission by a bunch of crazy "Oxford Group" reigious fanatics, and I was so "thrilled" with the experience, that I just had to share it with everyone else. I saw a chance to be awesome, to be better than other people, to be "Jesus Christ" for all of you sick people who need a savior.
As you know, misery loves company, so I found some reprobate doctor named conveniently enough Robert Smith, and roped into my little scheme.
What happened?
Really, I am a depressed, repressed, supressed pressure-cooker of self-righteous indignation, and I need people to know and love me, so I decided to dedicate my life to create this "fellowship" where I could be surrounded by self-loathing losers.
To make sure that every one of you are losers and remain so, I have people commit to identifying themselves with their failing. Every member must confess that he or she is an "alcoholic", and that you will never be anything more, er less, than that.
You do not share your name, since I want to reduce any sense of self-respect in your life. You are an alcoholic, because that is what I say that you are. Like another well-know cult leader taught me, "Repeat a lie often enough. . ."
To make sure that you never shake that sense of shame, you will always identify yourself as an alcoholic. You will then make an exact, "painstaking" inventory of all your shortcomings, although the criteria for this list is never presented to you, so you walk around forever wondering and wandering whether you have done a thorough "house cleaning". The sense of guilt will never go away, so you will keep coming back because if it's not working, it must be your fault! See how my sick mind works?
What it's like now?
Well, you're all here listening to me vent, aren't you? I guess my scam worked. No one ever gets sober in an AA meeting. People get sober because they stop trying to fix themselves and let go of their "self-preoccupation", but in the meetings, I want you forever fixated on yourself, since that way you will never get better.
No one is really sober, anyway, since the cigarettes and the coffee are available in full and running supply. All of those old-timers, like me, love our coffee, and we love to smoke cigarettes! I can't breathe on my own any more *cough* *hack* *spew*, but I still smoke.
The government makes you come, since that's the easiest way to keep the numbers up. 95% of people who enter the meetings never stay, you know, and so many of you keep killing yourselves!
Where's my whiskey?!
Anyway, my name is Bill Wilson, and I am a narcissistic, self-righteous puritanical busybody who wants to make himself the center of your life. And You - that's right, You! -- are all alcoholics.
So ends the "Drunk-a-logue" that we needed to hear from Bill "the swill" W.
I hope you liked it.
Thanks for letting me share!
More often than not, members show up for an hour and a half to "share" their own testimonies (in truth, divulge their self-aggrandized self-loathing). These "shares" often range from five minutes to twenty, depending on the undisciplined nature of the group or cowardice of the meeting's leader. When I sat in, or rather "endured" those terrible meetings of men and women whining about their lives instead of celebrating their sobriety, I often wondered: "Where's the recovery in all of this?"
Of course, I have learned from the Truth -- God's Word -- and much research and assistance from people out and about and here and there, that Alcoholics Anonymous is a C-U-L-T. The founder lived anything but an honorable life, and his co-conspirator con-men took advantage of frustrated men and women who do need help, and instead of relief they gave them more bondage.
I will never forget one lady whom I met in an AA meeting, Dorothy. She was a calm person, if ever there was one. A few months later, I met her out and about, and learned that she had stopped going to meetings. She go so fed up with the members there, who would admit to committing all kinds of crimes, but then they boast in the fact that they did not drink that day.
Give me a break!
The more I learn the truth, that I am a child of God first, unconditionally loved regardless of how I feel, the more that I see the "Lie and the lies" which define AA.
Just for fun, I began wondering what it would be like if Bill W., the "Floundering Founder", had given a true "drunk-a-logue"? What would it sound like?
If Bill W., the founder of AA, had been "rigorously honest" (please, try to stifle your laughter), I imagine that his drunk-a-logue would sound something like the following. This little parody is for all of you out there who ran from AA, and not only lived, but laughed to tell about it:
My name is Bill W. Actually, my name is Bill Wilson, and I want everyone to know who I am, as htis admission is the the first of many times when I never practiced what I preached, including anonymity. Anyway, my name is Bill Wilsonand I am a narcissistic, self-righteous puritanical busybody who wants to make himself the center of your life. And You - that's right, You! -- are all alcoholics.
Hi, Bill!
I have never really been a member, because I have never really been sober. I never had a desire to be sober. In fact, even after I started AA, I dabbled in LSD, and I never quit smoking, and I want whiskey, now! In fact, toward the end of my life, when I have to choose between my oxygen tank and another drag on a cigarette, I smoke.
What it was like?
I never really had a "religious" experience. I was merely battered into submission by a bunch of crazy "Oxford Group" reigious fanatics, and I was so "thrilled" with the experience, that I just had to share it with everyone else. I saw a chance to be awesome, to be better than other people, to be "Jesus Christ" for all of you sick people who need a savior.
As you know, misery loves company, so I found some reprobate doctor named conveniently enough Robert Smith, and roped into my little scheme.
What happened?
Really, I am a depressed, repressed, supressed pressure-cooker of self-righteous indignation, and I need people to know and love me, so I decided to dedicate my life to create this "fellowship" where I could be surrounded by self-loathing losers.
To make sure that every one of you are losers and remain so, I have people commit to identifying themselves with their failing. Every member must confess that he or she is an "alcoholic", and that you will never be anything more, er less, than that.
You do not share your name, since I want to reduce any sense of self-respect in your life. You are an alcoholic, because that is what I say that you are. Like another well-know cult leader taught me, "Repeat a lie often enough. . ."
To make sure that you never shake that sense of shame, you will always identify yourself as an alcoholic. You will then make an exact, "painstaking" inventory of all your shortcomings, although the criteria for this list is never presented to you, so you walk around forever wondering and wandering whether you have done a thorough "house cleaning". The sense of guilt will never go away, so you will keep coming back because if it's not working, it must be your fault! See how my sick mind works?
What it's like now?
Well, you're all here listening to me vent, aren't you? I guess my scam worked. No one ever gets sober in an AA meeting. People get sober because they stop trying to fix themselves and let go of their "self-preoccupation", but in the meetings, I want you forever fixated on yourself, since that way you will never get better.
No one is really sober, anyway, since the cigarettes and the coffee are available in full and running supply. All of those old-timers, like me, love our coffee, and we love to smoke cigarettes! I can't breathe on my own any more *cough* *hack* *spew*, but I still smoke.
The government makes you come, since that's the easiest way to keep the numbers up. 95% of people who enter the meetings never stay, you know, and so many of you keep killing yourselves!
Where's my whiskey?!
Anyway, my name is Bill Wilson, and I am a narcissistic, self-righteous puritanical busybody who wants to make himself the center of your life. And You - that's right, You! -- are all alcoholics.
So ends the "Drunk-a-logue" that we needed to hear from Bill "the swill" W.
I hope you liked it.
Thanks for letting me share!
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