Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Genita Petralli -- Cult Buster

Thank you, Ms. Petralli.

Your clinical work on this topic is gold and silver, a sure foundation.

If only my parents had known this.

If only I had learned about this sooner.

The real illusion that persists begins and ends with the lie that AA is a program of recovery.

It's a cult of dependence and despondency.

Ms. Petralli emphasizes the following revelations about the AA program:

1. The program prescribes relapse, that is, the program actually causes people to relapse.

2. The program invites members to engage in behaviors and habits which inhibit recovery, like eating sugar and ice cream.

3. There is no credible evidence which suggests that AA works.

4.Contrary to urban legends, AA does not have a high success rate, but only a telling 3% actually recover.

5. The 3% in AA meetings who do stay sober are also using anti-depressants. Those drugs do not permit people to live life to its fullest.

6. 30% of deeply addicted people get sober on their own, which suggests that the slim margin of recovery in AA comes from this group, who would have gotten sober anyway, with or without AA.

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