Friday, February 22, 2013

"Big Book" is a Big Fraud

I was raised to believe that men and women should take the "Big Book" seriously, like a holy book on the same level as the Bible.

My sister and I rejected that nonsense when we were younger, but since we learned nothing apart from viewing it through the distorted lens of  "Alcoholics Anonymous", the Bible made little sense to us.

The Big Book is open conflict, in open rebellion with the Bible, and takes scriptures so out of context, that the "Big Book" ends up being a "Big Fraud".

Despite the unique perception which develops in this respect, the "Big Book" should be treated as a Big Fraud, much like the "Book of Mormon" or any of "Christian Science" writer Mary Baker Eddy's books.

Better yet, people should think of Alcoholics Anonymous like the Hale Bob cult, which led to the mass suicide of seventy people.

Except that at least those people killed themselves drinking the kool-aid. The members of AA drink nothing intoxicating, and they die more slowly.

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