Monday, September 9, 2013

Your Conception of God = Yourself

Tell him exactly what happened to you. Stress the spiritual feature freely. If the man be agnostic or atheist, make it emphatic that he does not have to agree with your conception of God. He can choose any conception he likes, provided it makes sense to him. The main thing is that he be willing to believe in a Power greater than himself and that he live by spiritual principles. (AA, pg 93)

There is nothing more seductive and devious than inviting people to create their own conception of God, as if some Higher Power of their own choosing has any power.

Think about it long enough, and the premise of this terrible cult falls apart.

If I believe in a god whom or which I can conceive of, then how can this Higher Power really have any power?

I can only think up what I have experienced, what I know.

God is supposed to be all knowing, is He not?

He must know much more than I, and He must be able to be and have and do more than I can, too.

This evil cult works quite well in selling people on the notion that they can create their own god and live out their lives as gaily as they please.

Yet just like the bad boys in Pinocchio, who turn into slave-driven donkeys at midnight, so too does this freedom to choose my own god turn into a deadening slavery, one which demeans a person into following twelve steps to nothing, to nowhere, and with no escape.

Even for those who choose Jesus Christ as the Higher Power, Jesus is forced through these twelve steps, which in fact diminishes Jesus' deity.\

Can anything be more offensive or outrageous?

Jesus is beyond our calculation, beyond our understanding.

I do not need some idea of God in my head.

I need the real deal, He who is from the beginning, who holds the universe together in His hands, who has everything taken care of, whether I am paying attention or not!

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