Friday, November 2, 2012

Court-Ordered? Compulsion, not Attraction

The program of AA is based on attraction, not promotion. This basic tenet governs AA's connection with the outside world.

If that is the case, then why do they receive "prospects" form the court system?

Those convicted individuals are required to go. They do not attend meetings out "attraction", but rather "compulsion."

I have recently learned who dangerous criminals then end up in meetings, where they can threaten women and children. This trend is unacceptable.

Even if the threat of physical and sexual violence did not exist, putting young people through such a regimented program sets them up for a life of greater conformity to rules that cannot bring them life beyond maintaining sobriety of falling off the wagon again and again.

Neither promotion nor attraction, AA is more and more about "compulsion", with court-ordered offenders going to meetings, putting themselves and others in greater danger, while threatening the well-being of newcomers who are just trying to break free, and now find themselves in greater trouble with people who just promote the same source of sickness which led them to drink in the first place.

The courts have no right ordering people to engage in a religious program of any kind. The whole matter violates the rights of individual citizens, even if they have broken the law by driving drunk or engaging in any other corrupted  activity.

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