Monday, January 12, 2015

Really Looking at AA

I just found this comment on a post called "Are you safe in an AA meeting?"

Just Sayin'

Also, has anyone ever looked at the "To Wives" chapter of the AA Big Book (not actually written by Lois Wilson but rather ghostwritten by Bill 'n' friends because he thought she was too dumb to do the job)? I mean, *really* looked at it? Here's a sample: "[The alcoholic] struck the children, kicked out the door panels, smashed treasured crockery, and ripped the keys out of the piano." And the answer was to go to Al-Anon, not be a "nag, killjoy or wet blanket," and serenely wait for the husband to sober up in AA.

I liked that phrase "really looked at it."

Putting aside whatever program men and women have been force-fed, there is no running away from the facts that AA is a demented, sick cult. The people who have been victimized by drunks in their lives should not be shamed into merely putting up with the abuse.

Everyone does indeed need help, but the grace of God was never to be replaced with license to sin, because sin is death.

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, back up. He struck the children? And the answer is to be all serene and go to Al-Anon? No, the answer is to strike that bastard back with a blunt object and call the cops. Children are not like pianos or crockery. They cannot be replaced. I guess if wifey has to choose between getting her husband into the program and tending to Junior's fractured skull, the husband's sobriety should come first. Just be serene and "detach" and soon the rampant child abuse won't bother you. After all, if you actually do something to resolve this dire situation and/or nurture your children and keep them safe and, you know, get help for their injuries, then you are just a codependent "fixer."

Wow! These comments are a welcome departure from the AA cheer-leaders who promote the wicked Twelve Steps without thinking twice, or "really looking at AA".

But not to worry! If the kids survive, then they can spend the rest of their lives in Alateen and ACOA talking about how Dad beat them within an inch of their lives every weekend while Mom stood by and did nothing because she was "practicing detachment." Now the whole family can play!

Love that sarcasm!

Alcoholics Anonymous is another wicked infusion of therapy, when it is the truth which sets us free.

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