Sunday, November 24, 2013

How to Grow in Grace

The proper habit of living and working in our lives must depend on more than a man-made program.

When I would get angry, when I would lose my peace, whenever I was frustrated, I would go back to working the step in the AA book.

For years, I found myself in bondage to so many hurts, failures, bad feelings.

When I read the Bible, when I see more of Christ Jesus as the bread of life, then I have peace.

We do not need something which fixes our flesh, but causes us to grow in grace through the Spirit.

It's not about taking steps, it's not about doing works.

It's about resting in Jesus.

It's about understanding our new and eternal place in Him.

It's about receiving more of His grace and righteousness in our lives.

For too long, I had believed that God did not love me because I still found myself getting angry, hurt, bitter, or when I faced difficulties in my life.

Today, and even more from one day to the next, I learn that Jesus has already taken care of every need, and all I have to do is keep receiving from Him.

Forget the Steps, and step into a growing knowledge of Jesus and His love for you!

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