Thursday, December 13, 2012

Don't Call Someone -- Call Upon the Lord

One of the worst habits that I learned in AA meetings:

"Call your sponsors"

As if every problem in our lives was outside of our capacities to handle.

The truth is that AA teaches people to regress into a posture of dependence. The sponsor dictates to the new member how to take the steps, how to make amends, and other steps to stay sober.

The sobering immaturity of AA meetings causes people to live in greater bondage to themselves, their feelings, and their past.

Men and women all over suffer because they live their lives through children's eyes, their own. They deserve a father, certainly, as every person does. However, to the degree that we look for fatherly love from people in our lives, to that extent do we find ourselves frustrated, hurt, and empty.

We need security, and we cannot hope to find that security in other people. We need acceptance greater than anything that man can give us. Even the most loving parents on earth cannot give us the eternal approval which God wants to give, which He offers us through His Son, Jesus:

"For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." (2 Corinthians 5: 21)

"Righteousness" means "completely justified" or "rendered free of guilt." In Christ, there is no penalty for us in this life, as long as we rest in His blessed assurance. As we grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord, witnessing how Christ has established us, and as we gain a great revelation of how loved we are in the Beloved (Ephesians 1: 6), we gain more righteousness and grace in our lives.

The Holy Spirit who comes to live in us grants us all wisdom and knowledge, and through Him we have Christ Jesus living in us all the time. We can rest easy in His presence, knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us, that in His everlasting arms we are safe, secure, and sound.

This eternal security grants us the peace to receive the direction which we long for in this life, an end to the turbulence and discord which can offset our journey in this life.

Do not wait for a "sponsor" to tell you what to do. Let the Eternal Sponsor and Shepherd of our soul grant you wisdom in the knowledge of Him who died for you and lives in you.

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