Saturday, September 25, 2021

No, I Don't Want to Believe in a God of My Understanding

Today, I am going to be sharing a number of rapid, wonderful revelations which I have received over the last week.

It was really true, that I was in bondage so deeply to this false, law-centered, anti-Christ cult called "Alcoholics Anonymous."

The wrong thinking, the wrong believing was so strong, so imposed, so overwhelming. By the grace of God, I am so grateful that I am set free.

Here's the first of a number of posts which I will be sharing today.

No, I Don't Want to Believe in A God of My Understanding

I don't ever want to believe in a God of my understanding. My understanding is too limited, and cannot take in how good God is. His ways are not my ways, and the grace of God is not something that we understand. If we could understand God, then He could not really be God. The beauty, wonder, and rich complexity of the universe is too much for us to understand, to comprehend, to take it.

You have to receive the truth of how good God is based on the testimony of His Word. We have to know that there is no way but the grace of God. There is no way to overcome based on our own efforts.

I have been reasoning from my experience to God. That is wrong. We must reason from God's word to our experience, not from our experience to God' Word. For too long, I have viewed God based on what other people have told me, or what I experienced, or based on how I decided to read God's Word for myself.

No! We start with the truth of God's grace, and then we gain understanding from there. YES!

God is Good, and thank God the Father that He gave His Son Jesus Christ for us! He is worthy of praise because he is good. We don't praise him so that he'll be good!

Alcoholics Anonymous is a devious cult which gives people the pretense of freedom, because they get to believe in a god of their own understanding. That is so sick! That is so ridiculous. There is no freedom if you are in bondage to a lie, if you believe in something or someone that is simply not able to help you.

I still remember sitting in some of those terrible Al-Anon meetings, with the bitter women (and some men) who were content to blame everyone else for their problems and never take any responsibility for their own. Some of the people at these meetings were so disrespectful, too, so filled with anger and self-righteousness. I am so glad that I walked away from those terrible meetings--but it's pretty astonishing how much of a chokehold that awful cult had on my life.

Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free. AMEN!

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