Wednesday, September 1, 2021

It Seemed as if Nothing Was Happening, But He Was Working


This video really spoke to me today.

For a few days, a few months, and even into the last year, I have noticed that I have slowed down considerably. I am not doing as much as I used to do when I was an activist all over the place.

I used to visit a number of city council meetings every day. I liked getting involved in public action and activism.

With COVID-19 and the slowdown which occured all over the world, including in government business, I was not as active as before. I found myself reading less, writing less, walking less. I slowed down considerably in late 2019, when I caught a terrible cold. I presume that I was afflicted with the Wuhan flu myself, honestly.

I also started to slow down somewhat when I was going to be held in contempt of court for a crime that I did not commit, when I had been the victim in the case that was being adjudicated. That did depress me a great deal. It was really difficult for me to understand all that was going on around me at that time. I found myself tired a great deal. I did not have the same kind of energy that I had had in the past, with all the activism, the writing, and the organizing that I had been doing.

This slowdown in all of my activities worried me somewhat. I was so used to doing, doing, doing. And now I found that I was not really interested in doing all that much at all, even for my job with MassResistance.

For about a year, I have continued to grow in grace, listening to more and more of God's Word, being transformed from glory to glory as I behold Jesus Christ in the Word. My thoughts have become calmer, and I am no longer afflicted with guilt, fear, shame etc. when I have bad thoughts, feelings, memories. I realize now that even with my growing understanding of the grace of God, I was still adding onto the Finished Work of Jesus Christ. For too long a time, I was still convinced that I had to feel a certain way, think a certain way, not have certain thoughts running through my mind, etc.

All of those lies are getting swept away. It's getting easier to recognize the wrong believing that has been all too pervasive in my life.

But still, there has been this concern: "I am not doing as much as I used to. I am not inclined to do as much as I used to do. What is going on?"

And then I found this video. Indeed, it may seem that in our times and trials, in which we seem to get so little done, in fact Christ Jesus is getting a great deal done behind the scenes! I can attest to this revelation in my life in so many ways, and there are numerous examples of this, including and especially the account of Joseph and his trials. First, he received the two dreams, then he was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused, imprisoned for three years, neglected by the butler whom he had helped -- but then at the right place at the right time God restored him and promoted him to a place of prominence and pre-eminence to fulfill His perfect will. AMEN!

Now more than ever, I recognize that these quiet times that I am going through are enabling Daddy God to shape me and mold me, to allow His life to flow through me more than ever, to allow Him to open the eyes of my heart, and to allow Christ to abide, to make Himself at home in my heart by faith!

YES! I am not worried about missing out, I am not worried about ending up in the wrong place or not doing enough. Most importantly, though, I know that I am stepping into a lifetime of blessings and opportunities provided for me by Daddy God, on account of the price that Christ Jesus His Son paid for me to receive.

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