Wednesday, August 19, 2015

He Is Our Life - And He Lives For Us

I cannot relate how many times I had lived my life trying to bring God into my daily walk.

I was struggling to find God, to bring Him into my life, when the fact is that He is my life, and that He is closer than a brother, closer than my heart, hands, or head.

We would not even be here if it weren't for him!

The biggest scam of Satan and the religionists at his disposal?

That we have to get to God, that we have to do something to keep God in our lives, to make sure that He does not leave us.

The Bible could not be clearer: "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5)

This "never" is an iron clad double negative, just like in Romans 8: 1: "There is now therefore no condemnation in Christ Jesus."

None, zero, nada.

Jesus is our life today, and we do not have to strain to keep him in our lives, regardless of what we are feeling or thinking.

Rather, let the truth of God's Word continue to renew our minds.

How can we bring God into our lives if He is our Life? (Colossians 3: 4)

Instead of trying to do more, let us invite Him to work further into our lives, to enjoy more of His grace and  peace as we continue to receive His gift of righteousness (Romans 5: 17)

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