Saturday, July 6, 2024

Trapped in a Cult, Jesus Sets Me Free


It's easy for me to make fun of people are trapped in weird systems of belief, absolute corruptions of the Gospel and God's Word.

I am really stunned at Mormons, Quakers, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. who believe all these wrong things about Christ Jesus. How can they miss the grace of God so easily?

How could they be so easily mislead? Don't they own Bibles, and haven't they bothered to read the Bible.

And then there's me.

I was in a cult, buying into the lies of AA.

Of course, I was never an alcoholic. I never drank!

It was my mother who was obsessed with AA, who had gone into AA following the recommendations of a social worker in the late 1970s.

What a terrible thing that was.

Yes, she got sober. She often shared the story that during a champagne breakfast in 1978, she was drinking an orange juice sangria, and she felt with her spirit God say: "You don't have to drink this anymore."

Yes, I do believe that God spoke to her. I do believe that His grace was working in His life, as He works in all our lives.

However, the AA cult corrupted a true understanding of who God is.

That is what I grew up with. I grew up thinking that if I take care of my part, God will take care of everything else.

The Gospel is that He is taking care of everything! He is a living Savior who is caring for us!

But, if you go with AA, you are stuck with yours, in reality Bill W.'s, conception of God, and you are stuck on a constant merry-go-round of despair and fear, wondering if you have done enough from day to day, constantly looking at yourself, taking your inventory, trying to fix yourself, when you could not get yourself out of your drinking problem to begin with!

Jesus sets us free. He is THE living Savior. He does indeed transform us, as we behold Him (2 Corinthians 3:18)

We must not allow anyone to give us another picture of God, or delude into thinking that we can come up with our own.

I was just as caught as many others are.


I was taught this way. I had the Bible in front of me, and I was told to keep trying to be a good boy, to work the program, to follow the steps, to "try harder."

Yet the Gospel is "Rest and Receive!"

Say No to the Cult, and say Yes to Christ Jesus!

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