Saturday, July 6, 2024

AA Fraud: It's ALL Bill W.'s Conception of God


Alcoholics Anonymous is a cult.


Because it's a religious program which threatens its members with a recurrence of drinking and death if they do not strictly adhere here to the Twelve Steps or the "Twelve Suggestions."

Most people get caught, and caught up in, one of their biggest lies:

"Why don't you choose your own conception of God?"

There's a huge problem with this.

Most people have no idea how to conceive of God, and most of the time, they draw their inspiration, or lack thereof, from their parents or their experience.

However, worst of all, with AA, the conception of God which reigns supreme in the meeting is Bill W.'s own conception of God.

Whatever deity you believe in, you have to force him through the Twelve Steps.

The Twelve Steps must have pre-eminence over everything else. They are more important than whatever God you conceive of, because you have to relate to him through those steps!

You are not really choosing your own coception of God, ultimately.

You are believing in Bill W.'s false God.

And this relevation must not be ignored, because churches and other Christian groups have incorporated the Twelve Steps, as if they are a blessed addition or a practical program to implement the steps.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

AA is a cult, a devious, deceptive, dangerous, yet dazzling cult which has grabbed, hooked, and pulled in too many people.

There are better ways to break free of AA and other addictions. AA is not the way.

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