Friday, April 7, 2023

When We Feel Bad, That Does Not Mean We Need to Do Something More

This bad habit of mind is coming to a delightful end.

How true it is, that so many Christians find themselves wandering in the wilderness of self-effort for so long. Satan cannot "un-save" us, so the next best thing is to busy us with ridiculous, antiquated, unneeded additional demands to be "accepted" before Daddy God.

But Paul could not be clearer about our already-achieved accepted status before God:

"To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved." (Ephesians 1:6)

We have already been accepted, highly favored, in Christ Jesus.

There is nothing more that I need to do in my mind, in my thoughts, feelings, emotions to be accepted before Him.

I have already become the righteousness of God in Christ because of what Jesus did at the Cross. Nothing could be more clear or emphatic in the Scriptures.

And yet, there was this ridiculous habit of mind, that every time I felt that fiery dart of condemnation in the back of my mind, it meant that I was missing something, that I needed to do something more or change something, or think something different.

Every bad memory, every fiery dart, required a different response, a different set of thinking.

As the Holy Spirit has continued to transform me from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18), I realize now that there is nothing I have to do about any of the upsets or hardships or bad feelings which I may feel in the back of my head or in the front of my forehead.

The work is done, folks. Jesus paid for it all, Jesus did it all, and when He shouted out "It is Finished," He was not kidding or exaggerating.

If you suddenly feel bad for whatever reason, it really does not matter. There is nothing more to be done, there is no further need to play mind games to get your head back in place. Jesus Finished the Work. AMEN!

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