Friday, January 6, 2023

We Make a God out of Our Minds, and We Suffer

God is not a product of our minds.

We are the product of God's mind.

Alcoholics Anonymous pushes one of the most devious cults, in part because it starts with this fraud:

"Choose your own conception of God."

In essence, we are exorted to make up God to suit ourselves, our own projections, our own affections.

That is absolute nonsense.

He created us. We did not create ourselves.

"Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture." (Psalm 100:3)

Any religious movement or group that tells you to "Choose your own conception of God" is ultimately telling you to worship yourself, to live in your head.

That's what happened to me for many years. I lived in my head, I went by my feelings. Oftentimes, I was so confused that I often found myself depending on other people to tell me what to do.

I never realized how real, how alive Daddy God is to me, until I received God's Word without the adulterations of other religions, ideologies, patterns, precepts, and cults.

For the longest time, I sensed that God was close to me or far from me depending on how I felt. The larger lie that was so pervasive in my life was that I had to perform in some way to make God present to me.

I had to make sure that I was feeling happy, so that I knew God was with me. This sense "void" or "non-existence" was so prevalent in my life, that I was convinced that I had to "conjure up" God in order to know that He was with me.

When the Bible exhorts us to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), the Bible is not telling us to take a leap of absurdity. It's not something silly, fantastic, or fanciful. What is happening before us now is a REVELATION that God is real, that God is here, and that Daddy God hears us!

But, our minds need to be renewed, and thus we are transformed, so that we understand that He is for us, not against us:

"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)

For too long, I had made God's presence and care for my conditional on my thoughts and feelings.

Daddy God is real. He is not a figment of my imagination, and I don't have to feel bad if doubts or wonders start to assault my mind. I do not have to change my thinking or feeling to know and believe that Daddy God is here for me.

This transformation has taken a long time for me. I have been listening to God's Word on a frequent basis, and I have received God's Word into my heart.

"Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls." (James 1:21)

God's Word saves us. Jesus, the Word made flesh, is our Salvation.

I suffered for so long because I lived in my head, and I confused faith with feeling, instead of faith as resting in the fact of God's Word.

Thank you, Daddy God, for sending Your Son, that I could have fellowship, oneness with You. Thank you, Lord!

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