Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Finished Work, and Rest for Our Minds

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." (Isaiah 26:3)

This is really amazing, and this is really something that is leaving my mind reeling.

It's hard for me to explain, but I am going to do the best that I can with my writing.

I have been all too alive in my head. For the longest, longest time I treated every tremor, every thought, every rumor in my mind as something that I had to respond to. Why was I so concerned about what was going on in my mind?

I was convinced that I had to keep my mind free in order to hear God talking to me. For so long, I had treated God as someone who lives in my head. I was not walking by faith, but walking by feelings, and walking by the reason of my mind, based on only on what I can see, touch, taste, sense, etc.

All of that is wrong. All wrong! 

I have written in previous posts that I was so obsessed with keeping my mind and thoughts in order. I was so busy living in my head, thinking that I had to figure out life in my head first to get anywhere.

I did not realize how alive, how pertinent, how present Jesus is in my life, regardless of whatever is going in my flesh, my feelings, or the facts before me.

For too, too long I was attaching the truth to what I was thinking, rather than getting my thinking in line with the truth.

Finally, I have a greater understanding of this great promise from Paul to the Corinthians:

"4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God. It's not based on our efforts, but His work! I don't have to conjure up Daddy God to be present in my life. He is already here working in me, and working around all of us!

What is starting to become real to me now, though, the bigger revelation than ever before, is that much of the noise--no, all the noise--that is warfare against my mind. It was never me to begin with! The weapons of our warfare are indeed mighty through God, because Jesus, His obedience to God the Father, vanquished sin, and Satan, and the grave. He has paid for everything. There is no need to do extra, to think different, to correct my mind or to answer every fear, doubt, and question that rises up.

The Cross of Jesus Christ puts the answer to every challenge, interrogation, fear, or wonder. I understand what it means to walk by faith now. It's not about making stuff up in our minds. It's not about hyping up our feelings. Nor is walking by faith some leap into absurdity. We take as true and unshaking that God is with us, that Jesus Christ accomplished what He said He did at the Cross, and that to this day He is seated at the right hand of His Father--and our Father--ministering, interceding on our behalf.

The revelations that have also been pouring in for me for the last two weeks have included recognizing that Jesus, who is alive, the Holy Spirit who is moving are always providing for me and providing everything. I am not supposed to worry about anything.

And I am not supposed to worry about worrying about anything, either.

I have fought the fight in my head for so long, being distracted with all the sentiments that I was going through. Now, I know and believe in Daddy God's love for me, and I understand that I am not supposed to worry or fight off bad thoughts or worried thoughts, either.

The Cross, the Finished Work of Jesus Christ, has paid for all of it! AMEN!

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