Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Why Fussy, Worrying People Bother Me -- and Why

I have had to deal with a fair share of fussy, worrying people in my life.

A find that a number of older women think they have a right to lecture me on how I live my life or what I wear. For some reason, I find it very offensive.

It really bothers me when they tell me "Be careful!" or "Watch out!"

If I wanted to be careful, i.e. full of cares, I would have stayed home all day, every day.

That is not life and that more abundantly.

My Dad would call me, too, with that kind of talk. "I am worried about you son, that's why I am calling you." That was his last message to me.

I just get so incensed when I hear comments like that.

What's going on here?

Sometimes, these people will say: "I am worried about you because I care about you. I don't want you to get hurt."

No, what's really going on is that they feel uncomfortable, and they want to not feel uncomfortable anymore. These worries are not about others. These worries begin and end with individuals wanting to be at peace within themselves. It's about them, not about me.

Worry is selfish, self-serving. It's not about others. There is no fear in love, after all! (1 John 4:18).

In fact, it is outright sinful to worry:

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." (Philippians 4:6)

And yet there are so many Christians who take pride in fretting about issues. That just sickens me.

Finally, I am glad that I can write this in full. Thanks for letting me put these comments out there.

It's so arrogant, too. When people are fretting, they are basically sending the following message:

"God, the Creater of Heaven and Earth, the Redeemer of Mankind through His Beloved Son Jesus, the same God who holds the winds in His hands, who commands the beasts of the deep--that same all powerful God is just not big enough, not powerful enough to handle this or that situation. I must worry, I must but forth as much internal effort and energy to fix, to take over, to manage this situation, this problem, this person."

Can you believe how ridiculous that sounds?!


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