Friday, January 24, 2025

What is Humility and the Humbling Process


"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:" (1 Peter 5:6)

What does it mean to be a humble?

Some people have said: "It's thinking less of yourself."

Others have shared: "It's thinking of yourself less."

Still others would say: "It's not thinking of yourself at all."

But there is still a better way:

Thinking more of God, seeing more of Jesus.

It's not about us at all, but seeing how big HE is!

Do we look at our meager hands to get the job done?

Or do we trust in His mighty hands?

His hands are bigger than your hands.

Do you still see your hands only, or are you willing to hand your problems to bigger hands?

That is what being humbled should be about.

It's about seeing Him, and seeing how big He is!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Jesus: Bigger Than the Future

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 22:13).

God tells the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).

Daddy God is bigger than time itself.

This is beyond our conception, something that we cannot fathom or understand on our own.

AA invites adherents to "choose your own conception of God." That is a recipe for disaster!

We have to receive the truth about God as a revelation, based on God's Word. There is no scientific experiment, there is no amount of research to help us understanding these realities.

These eternal verities are too big for our limited understanding.

Resting in this broad revelation has helped me have greater peace now than ever before.

I realize now that no matter what is going on in our minds, in our hearts, faith, our spirit, sees bigger and better things.

We can understand that God is in control, based on how He has kept his promises, first giving us His Word--literally, His Son dying on the Cross for us, and from there we can trust that He is taking care of everything, even when events don't seem to be going our way.

For too long, I saw the future as bigger than God. I worried about the future, wondering if He would be on my side, taking care of me every step of the way.

I soon realized, as I meditated more on God's Word, that it made no sense to fear tomorrow. He is bigger than my tomorrows, and I can trust Him to be there for me tomorrow, because all of my sins have been paid for--past, present, future--have been paid for. I don't have to worry about God abandoning me or rejecting me if I fail.

I don't have to know what the future holds, because I know who holds the future, and He holds me!

"28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30I and my Father are one." (John 10:28-30)

Rooted and Ground


"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love ..." (Ephesians 3:17)

When we believe in Jesus, we are rooted in Him, we are grounded in Him.

We don't shake or fall away when times get tough, when we sin, fall, or fail.

And yet, for years, I used to believe that God would come or go depending on how I felt.

There was no certainty in my life, especially in regards to God's eternal love and never-ending favor for me!

I cannot tell you how many times in my life I had this constant sense of anxiety and worry.

There was this constant nagging in my mind, wondering if God would be there for me or not. 

It's really stunning to what extent I was trying to control my emotions, keep my thoughts and feelings in line so that everything around me would feel stable and security.

For the last few months, I have been learning about trauma and parent-child issues. I can attest that when I was growing up, there was a great degree of instability and insecurity.

In 1995, My mother abandoned me at the Torrance airport when I was 14 years old. She had taken us away from our father the previous year, and then she cast me off when I simply told her that I was depressed. There was no excuse or justification for what she did to me.

Today, I am no longer angry or bitter about what she did. I understand how lost and misguided she was, due to all the wrong believing she had imbibed from the AA cult. Today, I can write about what happened to me.

And AA plays a big part in this vile confusion. That terrible cult tells people that we can get shut off "from the sunlight of the spirit" when we get resentful or angry. 

Of course, that's not true.

God spoke directly to Cain after he plotted, rose up, and murdered his brother Abel. Let's not forget that God spoke directly to Jonah, even questioning him whether he was justified in being angry because God showed His true spirit in being merciful and gracious to the pagans of Nineveh (Jonah 4:9). God does not disappear or go away when we get angry. He does not leave us when we sin, fall, or fail.

We are rooted and grounded in His love!

In sad and stark contrast, any kind of separation and abandonment harms children deeply. Even my father, despite his many flaws, was really upset that my mother just threw me away like that in 1995.

That is trauma, and that fear does not go away easily. It takes time to realize that painful memories from the past have no bearing on who God is in our lives today.

He is an ever-present help for us, no matter how bad things may be around us.

The mistake I constantly made, and many Christians make as we grow in grace, is that we struggle with thoughts and feelings, as if they color or define the ultimate reality in our lives. It really doesn't matter how I feel. God is real, living and moving in our lives, even if we don't understand everything happening around us.

It's amazing how much I tried to clean up and clean out how I was feeling, what I was thinking so that I could believe that all was well, that everything was under control. Today, I am not worried about the potential chaos and upsets of tomorrow.

I am rooted and grounded in His love, and nothing can uproot me.