Sunday, June 23, 2024

Spare Me Your Conceptions: I See the Real Savior

God is real.

Jesus is real.

He is a real Savior, seated at the right hand of the Father.

But AA tells you to "choose your own conception of God," as if that will solve all the religion problems. 

Of course, the fundamental problem with this folly is "What forms or animates your conception of anything?"

Most people are going to project their parents or guardians into who God is.

Worse yet, they are going to look to the AA rewmz, including many of the creepy people in those meetings, and ask them or look to them for guidance on who God is.

I will never forget one long-time stepper in the program, who in turn related to me what some monk had shared with him years before:

"I walked up to this Catholic monk, thinking that he's the expert. I asked him 'Who is God?'"

"This Catholic monk said to me, 'I don't know!'"

This welcomed ignorance, this learned helplessnessis accepted, even celebrated in AA circles!

This is outrageous!

I don't want to trust some God who may or may not be there for me. I don't want to trust some "Higher Power" who comes or goes depending on how I feel. I do want to turn my will and my life over to ... myself!

Let's call AA what it ultimately becomes: self-worship. We have our projected, deluded, false notions of who God is at the outset, and then we interact with this notion of who, or what, God is. This is really crazy!

Has anyone in AA ever bothered to take a step back and ask themselves what the heck they are doing?

No, and the reason is simple: for the 3 to 5% that manage to stay sober for longer than 90 days, they really do chalk up their sobriety to the crappy, campy cult of AA. They really believe that working all those stupid steps, talking to sponsors, going to those goddawful meetings turned their lives around.

Of course, one study after another has affirmed that the people who do get sober in AA would have gotten sober anyway, without AA.

We don't need to run to a bunch of steps to set us free. We need to see Jesus, the Author and Finisher of Faith (Hebrews 12:2), who took all the steps to set us free.

We have a living Savior, and therefore we have a living faith. We do not, nor should we, run to the old deadness of the letter, not just of the Old Covenant, but of all man-made inventions to make man good in God's eyes.

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