Tuesday, June 26, 2018

God Allows Delays That We May Have Full Prosperity

When I got hired at the marketing firm at the end 2015, my life took on so many new opportunities and victories.

I ended up facing so many responsibilities, so many drags and demands on my time, too. It was almost impossible to get focus. I stopped reading the Bible. In fact, I can recall that I had spent so little time reading God's Word and meditating on His promises. It was about April 2016, and I visited one of the local university libraries. A sense of "my life is over" had washed over me briefly. It was as though my life was over.

I had "arrived" with a comfortable,stable career, and I tried to balance the job with the Election 2016 events--local, state, and federal. On top of that I was direct for California MassResistance, the President of the Beach Cities Republicans, and on top of that I was still writing for my own blogs as well as for national news sites.

I look back on that life and I have to ask myself: how did I do all that?

The next question emerges: How could I have done all that?!

I wasn't even going to church in those days. I was really missing out on a lot at the local church. Thank God that God does not condemn us. We are guided by His peace, and sometimes circumstances will emerge which force us to rest once against in His promises.

One problem that was so prominent in my life, even after getting a better job and finding the time and resources to do more of the things that I wanted to do--I still had this lingering need to take care of everything myself. If I was not initiating the fight, if I was not planning the events, if I was not taking on the challenges, then nothing would happen.

How strong that false conviction had been in my spirit.

Jesus holds everything together--in Himself:

"And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." (Colossians 1:17)

Something that has changed for the better in my life is that I am going to church again. I see the welcome value in attending church, hearing God's Word, not worrying about what individuals may or may not do. It is not important. What matters is that I get to hear more of God's Word and see more of Jesus every day.

It's really all about Him. Why does God allow delays, setbacks, hardships? Actually, I have to say "Why does God allow delays, setbacks, hardships seemingly?"

Because He wants to advance us, and He wants to us to prosper, and he wants to promote us in every way so that we continue to depend on Him more and more. Maturity in Christ Jesus is not about depending on our resources more, but allowing His life to flow in more areas of our lives.

It's about seeing more of Him, and wanting to let Him transform me more and more, from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3: 17-18).

I must say, in spite of all the concerns and setbacks I had worried about ever since I left my last regular day-to-day job, things have improved well enough for me. I realize now that there are more opportunities awaiting me. I want to grow in grace, not just be busier. It's not about me making any kind of a difference, but allowing Him to change me from glory to glory, to grow from faith to faith (Romans 1:17).

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