Wednesday, June 26, 2013

AA is a Cult -- The Truth of Christ Sets You Free

My mother was in bondage to this terrible cult called AA.

Why did it take me so long to accept this truth?

I did not want to believe that my mother would abuse me because she wanted to. The upsets, tremors, and fears which she endured must have been due to something else. No child can ever believe that a parent is arbitrarily abusive. Why have children in the first place?

Besides, all evil, all upsets, all perversions in our lives are based on the unsavory reality that we are born dead in our trespasses. and that we need life, and that more abundantly.

From a young age, I was taught AA, I was taught to work the Twelve Steps, I was taught to run every problem through the program. As a child, I did not drink, and I never had any interest in doing so. I decided all the more to avoid alcohol, since I believed that I was genetically predisposed to alcoholism.

That's what the program teaches people. You are born an alcoholic, and there is  nothing that you can do about it but life a manageable life, and pray that the daily reprieve of the program will keep you sober.

What kind of life is that? That's a death sentence!

It certainly is.

Throughout must of the trials and tribulations which I have endured as a child and then growing up, AA and the Twelve Steps, or Al-Anon and other attending Twelve Steps elements, were featured prominently.

When my mother took my sister and me away from our father for nine months, she had her AA Book with her, and she went on and on about trying to save us from our father, who "was an alcoholic." He did not drink heavily at all, actually, and I can attest to this day that I had never seen him passed out drunk or abuse alcohol in any way.

Other people in my family would drink alcohol, as well, and they did not drink heavily, certainly not to abusive excessive.

AA is iatrogenic, i. e. the program creates the very problem which it claims to fix, just as "special education" classes label children to be special ed, when in fact proper discipline and respect would train the child in the proper ways to grow. By labeling someone, automatically that person will begin to act in line with that identity, whether it's true or false.

Such is the wicked perversion of AA. Tell people that they are deficient human beings which have a disease, one that cannot be cured, no less, and then hook them up to working Twelve Steps every day. Then inform that because they are "bodily and mentally different" from their fellows, they cannot think for themselves, that every thought and every sentiment is wrong and distorted, and thus cannot be trusted.

AA is a terrible cult, one which has received a veneer of legitimacy because the state forces people to attend the meetings as part of plea bargains or retribution for crimes committed. The fact that the government pushes people into a religious program of any kind, one which falsely advertises a high success rate, should be enough to run and not look back.

My mother "worked" the AA program for thirty-four years. Even when she left the meetings, the meetings did not leave her. I still remember time and again how she longed to go to  a meeting, just for fun. When you identify with something, it's not enough to leave the people, or the places, or the properties associated with it. You have to receive the new, true identity of who you are.

For me, and I  hope and pray for more people, that new identity is Christ!

"Herein is our love made perfected, that we might have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world." (1 John 4: 17)

Such is the name of the ministry that I share with others:

"As He Is, So Are We Ministries" --

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